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Anchoring Loss and Damage in Enhanced NDCs
18 November, 09:30 London (GMT) / 10:30 CET

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Very few of the original Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted in 2015 included loss and damage from climate change. The countries that did include it were those that were the most vulnerable to a direct climate impact, such as small island developing states from sea level rise and African countries facing increasing drought.

As the majority of NDCs are expected to be updated by the end of the year, 2020 is an important opportunity to explore whether and how loss and damage could be integrated into the review process. WWF and Practical Action will host a virtual event during London Climate Action Week centred on their recent report. Please join us for this important discussion.

Speakers include:

  • Dr San Win, Deputy Director, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Myanmar
  • Sanjay Vashist, Director, Climate Action Network South Asia
  • Dr. Elisa Calliari, Research Associate, Department of Political Science, University College London