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Petition: Secure bold new rules for renewables! 

To the European Parliament


Europe must reach its 2030 and 2050 climate targets as well as ensure its energy independence. This means the European Union must not consider fossil gas and nuclear power as “green” investments. Please veto the European Commission's Complementary Climate Taxonomy Delegated Act.

Why is this important?

Europe is making new rules that will define what a green investment is. It’s called the Taxonomy – and it is huge because it means billions could flow into renewables like solar and wind. The critical cash boost we need to build renewable projects in the short time we have to contain climate chaos.

Unfortunately, fossil fuels and nuclear industries are getting their way. They got nuclear and gas labelled as green investments in the draft proposal.

If they win, they will get billions for their dirty energy projects – instead of funding the renewable future we need. Dirty gas projects would be built across Europe. We would be locked into dirty emissions and pollution for years. New nuclear projects would leave our children to manage toxic waste and would not be built in time to help us reduce emissions. [3]

The European Parliament can put a stop to this disaster. But we need to convince enough MEPs to reject the demands of fossil fuel companies. A massive petition signed by the very people these MEPs are elected to represent could swing the vote. Sign now and join the call for MEPs to back funding renewables over dirty fuel projects.


  1. According to the International Energy Agency, the world needs to stop all investment in new coal, gas and oil projects from 2021 onwards in order to eliminating global greenhouse emissions by 2050 and keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5°C.
  3. You can find more information on why gas is just another dirty fossil fuel and why nuclear power is not the solution for the decarbonisation of our societies


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of 75,000 signatures