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Save the date and call for papers: "Future of work: working with and through digital technology", 14/02, 10h-17h30

Future of work: working with and through digital technology

ETUI conference and call for papers, 14 February 2023,

10h-17h30, Brussels (venue TBC), in- person only

This event is dedicated to the topic of the future of work and the impact of digital technology. Two main aspects will be discussed: the ‘platformisation’ of the labour market and the transformative implications of AI for labour relations and job quality. What trends are we seeing emerge, and what challenges? What is the approach of the EU regulator? And what should the regulatory and research agenda be to ensure that workers' dignity is part of the equation when it comes to addressing digital transformation?

The event is multidisciplinary in nature, with ETUI and external researchers presenting data, trends, regulatory analysis, and their own reflections on defining a blueprint for a better digital world of work.

We are also launching a call for papers for young scholars who will have the possibility to present and discuss their work in a dedicated panel session. Download the call for papers here (also in attachment). The deadline for submitting the abstract is 20 December 2022.

Download the draft programme here. 

Please register here before 31 January 2023.

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