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SAVE THE DATE - Workshop on EU fiscal rules - 14 December 16h00 @Tweekerkenstraat 47 (Brussels)

Earlier this month, the European Commission launched orientations for the reform of the European fiscal framework.

This framework is a crucial piece of the European architecture. The current rules have forced countries into austerity policies, have severely reduced the space for public investment, and have therefore also impaired the fair climate transition.

The reform offers an opportunity to increase the economic policy space, and in particular to encourage Member States to increase environmental spending and the just transition, to end environmentally harmful subsidies, and possibly to move away from a focus on indiscriminate GDP growth. 

Bond Beter Leefmilieu is co-organizing an informal workshop with the participation of Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Finance Watch and Sustainable Finance Lab to discuss the state of play, and what reforms we want to see of the fiscal framework.

The purpose of the meeting is to get informed, and to see how we can work together on this file at the Belgian level. Belgium will have to take a position on this dossier as well, and may play an important role because we will take up the presidency of the EU in 2024. 

The main language will be english but we can blend FR/NL