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GLOBAL CLASS WAR: Lessons from Sam Marcy for Workers Struggles Today (REGISTER NOW!) February 5 2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT/19:00 GMT

Sunday, February 5
2:00 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. PT/19:00 GMT

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Join workers from around the world as we remember Sam Marcy and apply his theories to current-day struggles

"Sam [Marcy] rejected the notion that the class question is supreme and the national question is secondary. Of course the class question is important, but if you do not have a correct analysis of the national question and a revolutionary program to enact, then the fate of multinational unity, the fate of any revolutionary party, the very fate of socialism is in jeopardy."

Larry Holmes,
WWP First Secretary

"Sam Marcy understood better than others how much the world situation affects the struggle of the workers and oppressed here. When he was in Buffalo, N.Y., giving tactical advice to labor leaders fighting the bosses in steel, auto and other manufacturing industries, Sam avidly followed the news on the revolutions in China and Korea, and on their magnificent resistance to U.S. aggression during the Korean War."

Deirdre Griswold,
WWP founding member

"Comrade Sam instilled within each cadre of Workers World Party that correct revolutionary theory goes hand in hand with revolutionary practice. Workers World Party was the only multinational left party in the United States to defend the Black Panther Party, the Young Lords, Deacons of Defense and other revolutionaries when they were being brutally targeted for extinction by Cointelpro repression by the FBI."

Monica Moorehead,
editor of Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle

"Sam Marcy was an intransigent opponent of imperialist war.  In the spirit of Sam Marcy, we must never forget that class consciousness and international solidarity are our greatest, our most powerful weapons."

Sara Flounders,
International Action Center Director

"A great revolutionary leader ... [his legacy is] the revolutionary, working-class party that he and a handful of other founding members began building from the ground up in 1959." 

The late Leslie Feinberg,
author of Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman and Stone Butch Blues


The quotes above are from the March 14, 1998 memorial held for Sam Marcy and the pages of Workers World.

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