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Commenting on the withdrawal of the USA from the Paris Climate agreement, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said

"There are no jobs on a dead planet."

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Greenpeace veroordeelt Trumps beslissing om zich terug te trekken uit het klimaatakkoord van Parijs. Dit zal de VS hun leiderspositie in de wereld kosten, terwijl ze de economische voordelen van de energietransitie mislopen.

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Donderdag 1 juni 2017 stapten een duizendtal syndicale militanten van de 3 vakbonden van het Brusselse Barricadenplein naar de Wetstraat om hun blijvend ongenoegen uit te drukken over de lage lonen en slechte arbeidsvoorwaarden.

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Brussels, 2 June 2017 (ITUC OnLine): Following the announcement by the President Trump that the US would withdraw from fulfilling its international obligations under the Paris Climate Agreement, the international trade union movement has expressed its concerns for the impacts delayed climate action in the US will have on working people there and across the globe.

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De ministerraad keurt op voorstel van minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Didier Reynders een voorontwerp van wet goed houdende instemming met de globale economische en handelsovereenkomst (CETA) tussen de Europese Unie enerzijds, en Canada anderzijds.

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Over 400 trade union leaders from all over Europe at the ETUC Mid-term Conference in Rome today agreed that "this is the moment for trade unions to be more active than ever in efforts to manage globalisation, digitalisation and climate action to ensure that working people are not left on the scrap heap".

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Brussels, 30 May 2017 (ITUC OnLine): The ITUC has welcomed commitments from newly-elected Korean President Moon Jae-in over workers' rights, decent wages and job security, as well as his intention to look to the case of imprisoned trade union leader Han Sang-gyun, President of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, once the Supreme Court has made a final determination on his case

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Het tekort aan betaalbare woningen wordt steeds nijpender, ook en vooral in de centrumsteden. Armoedeorganisaties uit verschillende gemeenten tussen Aalst en Brussel schreven een woonbrief aan hun lokale besturen, met steun van het Netwerk tegen Armoede.

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Responding to the European Commission's legislative proposal on public country-by-country reporting (CBCR) by multinationals due to be voted on the ECON and JURI committees at the European Parliament on 30 May, the European Trade Union Confederation and civil society organisations urge the European Parliament to extend transparency to company activities in all countries on a worldwide basis.

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Le 25 mai des activistes non-violents, dont ceux d'Agir pour la Paix, perturbènt, par des actions directes non-violentes, les accès au sommet de l'OTAN qui se tenait à Bruxelles dans son nouveau quartier général et ainsi se rendaient visibles aux délégations qui s'y rendent.

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