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vrijdag van 12:00 - 13:30

Schuman Brussels
Openbaar · Georganiseerd door Rise for Climate Belgium: Citizen Mobilization to save Humanity

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28th of August with
Fridays For Future and other movements in the world
we will be striking together for Amazonia and indigenous !
In Brussels we will strike in front of European Council and Commission to say stop to the EU-Mercosur agreement which is very bad for Amazonia and climate ( see below)
Digital actions are also planned 29-30th August globally.
Program meeting at 12h in Schuman,

12h reception
12h15 Welcome R4C and Terra Brazil
12h20 Adelaïde Charlier and Anuna Dewever or/and Lola Segers
12h25 Aline Yasmin Spirito Mundo
12h 30 Lora Verheecke chargée de campagne à Friends of the Earth et from Seattle to Brussels network.
12h35 Mathis Fidaire Youth for Climate France
12h 40 MEP, locally elected, trade unions ( To be confirmed)
12h 50 Organisations of the Climate movement, Ferme de Lansrode ...
13h 05 Human Chain along the European Council and European Commission
13h30 end (Sanitary measures will be respected during all the action)
Website of Fridays for Future Brazil and the campaign SOS Amazonia
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with the support of the network from Seattle to Brussels, CAN Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, Espirito Mundo, Terra Brazil, Vivons bien, vivons belge, Clean Walker Belgique,

This year we saw a huge increase of fires: 6,803 only in July 2020, 28% more than in July 2019, 10,136 fires were reported in the first 10 days of August alone!
The EU-Mercosur trade agreement would fuel the destruction of the Amazon. Ratifying it while deforestation is increasing would be a victory for President Bolsonaro and a clear sign that the EU does not care about the rainforest. If European leaders are serious about stopping Amazon deforestation, they must put the EU-Mercosur agreement on ice.
Tot op heden is er al 17% van het Amazonewoud ontbost. Indien de ontbossing de 20-25% overschrijdt, zal meer dan de helft van het Amazonewoud in savanna veranderen.

( Ned) Dit jaar zagen we een enorme stijging van de bosbranden: 6,803 in juli 2020 alleen, 28% meer dan in juli 2019, 10,136 bosbranden werden in de 10 eerste dagen van augustus gerapporteerd!
Het EU-Mercosur handelsakkoord is een extra lont tot de vernietiging van de Amazone. Dit akkoord ondertekenen, terwijl dit de ontbossing net ondersteunt, zou een overwinning betekenen voor President Bolsonaro en een duidelijk signaal dat de EU absoluut niet bezorgd is door het regenwoud.
Indien de Europese leiders het stopzetten van de ontbossing van de Amazone ernstig menen, moeten ze het EU-Mercosur akkoord opzij leggen!

Cette année, nous avons vu une énorme augmentation des incendies: 6803 en juillet 2020, 28% de plus qu'en juillet 2019, 10136 incendies ont déjà été signalés dans les 10 premiers jours d'août !
Si l'accord commercial UE-Mercosur est confirmé , il alimentera la destruction de l'Amazonie. Le ratifier, alors que la déforestation augmente ,serait une victoire pour le président Bolsonaro et un signe clair que l'Union Européenne ne se soucie ni de la forêt tropicale , ni du climat.
Les ratifications des Parlement Européen et nationaux vont commencer en octobre.Si les dirigeants européens veulent vraiment arrêter la déforestation en Amazonie, ils doivent mettre l'accord UE-Mercosur au frigo!
Why we need to stop EU-Mercosur agreement?
On June 28, 2019 and after more than twenty years of negotiations, the EU and the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) announced the conclusion of a free trade agreement.
From October 2020, the treaty must be approved unanimously by the European Council, the European Parliament and national parliaments. Germany is doing everything possible to ensure that this agreement is ratified, in particular to sell its cars and pesticides (Bayer-Monsanto...). France, Netherlands, Austria, Poland and regions as Wallonie and Brussels are opposed for the moment.

European environmental protection NGOs are also against because that will allow the EU to sell more cars to the Mercosur countries, and in return these countries will export us even more beef and chicken. It will intensify the production of beef and soybeans (used to feed farm animals) and will therefore lead to even more deforestation in the Amazon; it will have an even more negative impact on animal wellbeing in these countries; it does not guarantee the EU's right to invoke the precautionary principle while the agricultural sector in Mercosur countries uses GMOs and pesticides banned in Europe. Especially since the Government of Bolsonaro continues to give dozens of authorizations for pesticides banned in our country. The unions of workers in the industrial sector in the Mercosur countries are also strongly opposed to this agreement because the Mercosur countries will import even more industrial products from the EU and will therefore negatively impact this sector at home and lead to Job Loss. This trade agreement includes a chapter which includes a commitment to respect the Paris Agreement. However, this chapter, unlike all others in the agreement, is not legally binding. In other words: if Jair Bolsonaro still refuses to respect the Paris Agreement (which he will surely do), the EU will not be able to take sanctions.

A summary of a text of Morgan Reille (Eurogroup for animals)
Supply Chains
Sustainable and deforestation-free supply chains for products and commodities. Since imported products such as meat from the Amazonian rainforests regions cause deforestation, it is highly important that states ensure that supply chains from those products don´t contribute to rainforest destruction and hold up to global climate targets
