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(27 August 2020) The Amazon is burning – more than ever. Indigenous peoples and small farmers are being repressed, precious ecosystems are set on fire, and monocrops and pesticides dominate the new fields. Human rights, including workers’ rights, are brushed aside. All this to produce cheap meat, soy and ethanol, a big part of which is destined for Europe. And things could get much worse if the EU concludes an agreement on a new EU-Mercosur trade deal. The deal, which is yet to be agreed by the EU Council and then the European Parliament, can however still be stopped.

Take action to protect ecosystems and human rights now! EPSU supporting this petition against the trade deal, and we urge you to sign here: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/no-to-mercosur

Friends of Earth Europe (FoEE) have made a video that shows what is at stake if the deal is agreed: https://cloud.foeeurope.org/index.php/s/m95GKd3qxzC2dqy. The video is part of a package of materials on the trade deal, containing:

  • The video in English, and with subtitles in German, French, Spanish, Danish
  • Short video clips focusing on the climate, food safety and human rights, respectively, in English
  • Proposals for posts and tweets
  • Background information
  • Graphic design material

Please share the materials!

Sign the petition here: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/no-to-mercosur

Source: https://www.epsu.org/article/epsu-says-stopeumercosur-trade-deal