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Webinar 15 novemberIn the USA, record numbers of people turned out to vote on 3 November. President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris secured the popular vote and over 270 electoral college votes to win the election.

Please join us for a 60-minute webinar in English, French and Spanish to hear first-hand accounts of the elections in Somalia and the USA, and insights into YouGov public opinion research on what it takes for election messages to reach voters.

In Somalia 22,775 delegates, from a population of 15 million, are nominated by the clan elders and the electoral body to vote for 275 members of the Lower House (the people’s chamber) in December.

In both countries trade unions are organising to give workers a voice:
· What roles can unions play in elections?
· How are elections putting democracy to the test?
· Why are people losing trust in democracy?

These questions have become more important in a year when COVID-19 has exposed a failure of governance in many countries. More than one in three people say that they are angry or despairing because their government is not listening to their needs and, for the first time in living memory, the majority of young people are dissatisfied with democracy.

Webinar speakers:
· Matt Morrison, Executive Director, Working America
· Omar Faruk Osman, General Secretary, FESTU Somalia
· Marcus Roberts, International Projects Director, YouGov
· Moderator: Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, ITUC

Registration for the webinar is essential and a recording will be made available after the event.

Wednesday 18th November 2020, 1500 – 1600 CET (Brussels)