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CLIMATE AND EMPLOYMENT PROOF OUR WORK 22 September 2021: Take part in the global conversation about our future

poster red green 2021 en fe21c We are in a race against time to respond to climate change, which left unchecked threatens everyone and will leave whole regions uninhabitable. Extreme weather events with lasting devastation are already destroying jobs and livelihoods.

We know that jobs and employment are serious concerns for people, that’s why we need to have the conversation about both climate and employment.

On September 22, take part in the biggest global conversation about our future: join the Global Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof our Work. #CEPOW

Workers around the world will invite their employers to discuss plans for resilience and sustainable business —plans which must include safety, jobs, emissions and a secure pathway for the future.

Let’s work together and design a future with secure jobs, sustainable economies, and a safe and healthy living planet.

Are you ready to climate and employment proof your work? Then follow these simple steps:

  • Sign up to get updates about the Global Day of Action.
  • Download the “Climate and Employment Proof our Work” guide. Get your Global Day of Action campaign pack for all the information and tools on this campaign.
  • Ask to talk to your employer, a local business or someone from your local or national government on 22 September. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. if you ask for a meeting, and we will keep a tally of all places around the world taking part in the Global Day of Action. Your meeting can be in person or a virtual meeting using an online platform like Skype, Teams, Whats App, Zoom.
  • Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.. Share a photo/video of your in person or virtual meeting and the highlights of what was discussed.

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