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On the Marxist-feminist project
Ten years ago, Argument Verlag published the book Letters from Afar. In it, the editor concluded that "all politics today involves the social dimension. Virtually anything has global consequences. Feminist intervention is underway.” With the desire to map ways in which feminist politics can intervene, Frigga Haug addressed women from different parts of the world to great effect: Forty-nine feminists from thirteen countries and six continents responded to her call.

As a result of the collective process initiated in this way, Haug, at the First Marx-Fem-Conference in Berlin in 2015, presented theses on the contradictory relationship between Marxism and feminism which have guided our work ever since. We think that such a project of feminist political intervention can only succeed if it is built on a common foundation. It is a basis which though in continuous development, examined and adapted again and again, is at the same time strong and durable enough to sustain individual women, keeping them from dissipating their capacities and being exhaustedly deployed in all directions in reaction to any major storm or series of shocking incidents, of which there are more than enough in our capitalist world.

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