Brussels, 22 February 2018 (ITUC OnLine): The ITUC and the European Trade Union Confederation are calling on the European Commission to take up concerns about Kazakhstan's violations of freedom of association during a meeting of the EU-Kazakhstan Cooperation Council meeting on 26 February.
Op het vakanitiesalon in Brussel deed het Comité BDS-Brussel op 3 februari een geslaagde actie tegen het ontkenning van het Apartheidsregime in Israël door het te promoten als prachtig, zonnig vakantieland.
Boycot Israëlische rechtbanken door honderden gevangenen
Expectations are high that the GCM will deliver commitments and actions from the international community that will promote a fair migration agenda, protect the human and labour rights of migrants and dissipate rising racism and xenophobia, typified by the scapegoating of migrants.
lors que le projet de centre commercial « Mall of Europe » qui fait partie du projet Neo est à l'enquête publique jusqu'au 23 février, la Plateforme inter-régionale pour une économie durable, dont IEB fait partie, signe une carte blanche publiée dans le journal Le Soir.
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) today called on EU leaders to support a budget for working people and not only increases in defence, security and external border control spending.
EU Heads of State & Government meet on Friday to discuss political priorities for the EU's multiannual financial framework (MFF) after 2020.
The ETUC urges EU Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors to look beyond the "narrow set" of European Commission "options" presented in their Communication on a "New and Modern" MFF last week.
"The EU needs to discuss all options, not the narrow set of options presented by the European Commission" said Thiébaut Weber, ETUC Confederal Secretary. "We call for a budget for working people, not a budget for a Fortress Europe".
"The only options presented for defence, security and external border control are to increase spending, the only options for cohesion policy are to cut spending.
"The options for digitalisation don't even mention the need to manage change to avoid job losses, and the only option presented for implementing social policy is to increase Erasmus+. There are no options presented for climate action – let alone ensuring that no worker or industrial region is left behind on the road to a low-carbon economy – and no options for implementing the recently proclaimed European Pillar of Social Rights.
"The starting point for the EU budget should be the European Pillar of Social Rights – including the right to fair wages and work/life balance – the UN Sustainable Development Goals – including decent work and quality education – and the Paris Climate Agreement."
Specifically, the ETUC supports an increase in
- the EU budget to 1.3 % of the GNI,
- EU own resources to at least 50% of the EU budget,
- an investment programme of 2% of GIP per year for the next 10 years,
- cohesion funds with a minimum share of at least 30% for the European Social Fund to finance implementation of the European pillar of social rights.
The ETUC also calls for a European transition fund to tackle the effects of structural changes of the economy (digitalisation, automation, decarbonisation, globalization) and support workers facing these transitions.
Het personeel bij YPTO, de IT-dochter van de NMBS, is dermate verontrust dat er is besloten om een stakingsaanzegging in te dienen. De werknemers zijn uitermate ongelukkig met het gevoerde beleid, zeggen de vakbonden.
Sinds 3 uur vannacht ligt de Vandemoortele-fabriek in Gellingen stil. Voor de militanten en delegees van ABVV Horval is het onrechtmatig ontslag van de hoofddelegee van de site in Seneffe onaanvaardbaar.
Het nu al veel gelauwerde één-programma Taboe, van regisseur Kat Steppe met stand-up comedian Philippe Geubels, dook gisteren in het leven van mensen in armoede.
Het ACV voert op 8 maart actie in diverse ondernemingen in België waar er een loonkloof is, onder de noemer "Vrouwen verdienen beter!". De loonkloof van 21 procent in 2018 is onaanvaardbaar.
In 2016 organiseerde de Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad samen met de Franstalige Vrouwenraad een druk bijgewoond internationaal colloquium in het Egmontpaleis over mensenhandel, seksuele uitbuiting en prostitutie.