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31 January 2022

Qatargate at the heart of CEO's work


At the end of 2022  the world woke up to the corruption scandal now dubbed Qatargate.  It was a big moment for CEO; we were since then inundated with media requests and though the initial wave of media attention has inevitably calmed down, the story continues and so does our work. 

CEO has pioneered the case for strong rules and ethics around lobbying by repressive regimes for years. Indeed, as we outlined in our reactive press release in December, this scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. 

These are both wake-up calls and remind us that it’s not good enough to take reactive measures after yet another scandal. At CEO we have been calling for a credible over-all design to prevent repressive regime interference in the EU’s democratic decision-making since 2015. 

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