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Friday, 24 January 2020, 12h30-14h00

ETUI Lunch debate and film screening

The Lucas Plan: democratising technology to protect the environment

Introduction: Hilary Wainwright, Research Director of the New Politics Programme at the Transnational Institute and editor of Red Pepper, a popular British new left magazine

Comments: Béla Galgóczi and Romuald Jagodzinski, Senior Researchers at the ETUI

Moderator: Philippe Pochet, General Director ETUI

Briefing: At this rather unusual lunch debate we will show a 30-minute version of the documentary The Plan which tells the story of a pioneering effort by workers at the British arms company Lucas Aerospace to fight job losses by proposing an alternative production of “socially useful” and environmentally friendly products. Hilary Wainwright, who worked with the Lucas Aerospace workers when they were creating their alternative plan and co-authored a book about it at the time, will share her insights into this remarkable plan which was developed 41 years ago but is even more relevant today.

Venue: ITUH, Bd du Roi Albert II, 5; 1210 Brussels, ETUI meeting room, 7th floor

To register, please click here

A light lunch will be served from 12h in the room.