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✨Join us during the official Belgian virtual high-level side event of the 2021 High-level Political Forum: “Climate change and human rights: youth-led initiative to request an International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion” ✨
‼️Opening remarks by the Belgian Minister of the Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal, Zakia Khattabi

???? When? Tuesday 7 July
⏰ Time? 01.00-02.30 pm EST / 07.00-08.30
pm CET
???? Where? Online
✏️ How to register? https://unyd-hlpf-sideevent.limesurvey.net/794254?lang=en

???? ????‍⚖️???????? What is it all about?
Climate change affects human rights, yet the obligations of governments to address and solve this problem remain unclear. As such, authoritative clarification of the impacts of climate change on the human rights framework and the rights of future generations is required. To clarify these questions, a youth-led initiative asks for an advisory opinion at the International Court of Justice.
We will discuss this initiative and explore what potential international law has to increase climate ambition, climate justice and intergenerational equity.

???????? We are delighted to present you our speakers:
- Mary Robinson (former High Commissioner for Human Rights)
- Hajer Gueldich (General Rapporteur AU International Law Commission)
- Gautam Narasimhan (Senior advisor Climate, Environment, Resilience and Peace UNICEF)
- Daniil Ukhorsky & Aditi Shetye (WYCJ report)
- Solomon Yeo (WYCJ founder)
- Saher Baig (Contact point of the Human Rights working group at Children and Youth constituency to UNFCC, YOUNGO)

???? This Belgian side-event is co-organized by the UN Youth Delegates from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Sweden as well as UNMGCY, YOUNGO and World’s Youth for Climate Justice (WYCJ).

Source: https://www.facebook.com/events/4234911059932281/