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Decarbonizing energy intensive industries: what are the risks and opportunities for jobs?

Hybrid conference, 2 June 2022, 9h30-15h30 Brussels

Register here

It is becoming increasingly clear that oil and coal have no future and the era of combustion vehicles is slowly coming to an end. This is already a huge challenge but decarbonizing energy intensive industries (steel, chemicals, cement, ceramics and other basic materials) is even more complicated.

A joint project of the European Trade Union Institute and the European Climate Foundation was set up to analyse the main pathways for the transformation of these industries with regard to the expected employment effects thereby recognising that de-industrialisation is not the adequate method and that the EU needs to maintain a strong competence base in these industries .

This hybrid conference will discuss the results of this research, taking account of the main technological pathways, regional differences and estimating also the possible effects of a future Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. After Russia’s assault on Ukraine, the completely new geopolitical situation is brutally exposing Europe’s dependence on fossil energy and raising the stakes.

You can consult the draft agenda (updated regularly) on the webpage of the event

Please register by clicking on this link.

The conference will take place in Hotel Thon Brussels City Centre but you can also participate online via Zoom. You will receive more information upon registration. The deadline for the onsite registration is 31 May at midday. 

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The ETUI is financially supported by the European Union. ETUI, aisbl 2022