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Za’atar – stories from Palestine 26 juin 2022 20 h 00

The performance Zaatar by Teatro di Nascosto (Hidden Theatre) brings you true stories from West Bank and Gaza, Palestine. The Palestinian and European actors let you sympathize with people who live in a completely different situation than we do, and make stories tangible that are unheard, hidden behind the news, or are being overshadowed by other wars.

In December, the theatre company Teatro di Nascosto performed in Brussels. In January director Annet Henneman returned to Palestine for two months. She incorporated what she experienced during her stay in the performance. What impact did the bombings have on the daily lives of the people in Gaza? What happened around the murder of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh? What was it like to witness the resistance of the village of Beita up close, where residents are fighting settlers and the Israeli army? What happened in Jerusalem during the lockdown period? And how do you keep faith when you haven’t seen your loved one for years due to closed borders?

Teatro di Nascosto is known for its extensive work in the Middle East conflict countries for over a long time. The organization is led by artistic director Annet Henneman and consists of an international ensemble of actors working and living in Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Kurdistan, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, Italy, England, Belgium and the Netherlands.

The method theatre reportage has been developed by Annet Henneman over the past 20 years and brings journalism, theatre and anthropology together. The method is aimed at bridging ‘the gap’ between those who live oppression, war and occupation and those who live in the Western world.

Spoken in: English.

26 juin 2022 @ 20 h 00
OÙ :
Bruxelles,Lagrange Points Brussels
114 Rue des Tanneurs. 1000 Bruxelles
 Lagrange Points Brussels
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Do you want to learn how to use theatre to tell stories of people in countries of conflict?
Do you want to create a deeper connection with people from countries of conflict?
Do you feel powerless when you read about wars, and are you looking to engage in a different way than just through the media?
Then join the workshop Theater Reportage.

Prior to the performance Lagrange Points, Annet Henneman organizes an experience based workshop Theater Reportage in which you learn about the method by doing. The method was developed over the past twenty years by Annet Henneman and brings together journalism, theater and anthropology. It focuses on a better understanding and feeling of what it is like to live in oppression, war and occupation.

The workshop will explore the theory and practice of Theater Reportage, and participants will work with Annet and the actors of Teatro di Nascosto towards a short action that will be shown in the performance. Experience with acting is not a requirement.
Link to workshop: https://bit.ly/3OcEdl9


Source: https://www.association-belgo-palestinienne.be/%C3%A9v%C3%A8nement/18188/