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Hybrid conference Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2022 31/01 2023

The European Social Observatory (OSE) and the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) have the pleasure of inviting you to the (hybrid) launch event of the 23rd edition of "Social policy in the EU: state of play" (Bilan social de l’UE).

Key questions for the event will include: Will performance-based financing be the new (more intrusive) governance design for EU funds? Have member states integrated a ‘socio-ecological dimension’ in their Recovery and Resilience Plans? What are the next steps in making the Pillar of Social Rights a reality? And what are both the advances and setbacks in European integration, following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine?

The event – at the ETUI premises and online – will be an opportunity for an exchange of views between researchers, national and European stakeholders and policymakers on recent developments, challenges and opportunities for Social Europe.

For the draft agenda, please click here

As this event is hybrid you can register to attend in the meeting room or online.

 Click here to register. 

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The ETUI is co-funded by the European Union. ETUI, aisbl 2022