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Ukraine: Support workers' struggle for labour and union rights

On 19 July 2022, the Ukrainian parliament adopted Draft Law 5371, which abolished labour rights for 94% of Ukrainian workers. This law introduces extreme liberalisation of labour relations, it discriminates against employees of all micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and deprives them of labour and union protection. The trade unions of Ukraine actively opposed the promotion of this anti-labour draft law for two years. Despite numerous warnings from the International Trade Union Confederation, the European Trade Union Confederation, and the International Labour Organization regarding the inconsistency of this draft law with the principles and norms of European legislation, the ILO Conventions, the conclusions of scientists and experts, the Parliament of Ukraine has adopted it. Among the consequences of the adoption of such a law will be massive violation of workers' rights and further departures of the most qualified economically active segment of population from Ukraine. The situation is complicated by the bloody war started by the Russian aggressor against the Ukrainian people.

In partnership with Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU).

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I call on the President of Ukraine to protect labour rights and guarantees for Ukrainian citizens and to veto draft law no. 5371 as it does not comply with the Constitution of Ukraine, Ukraine's European integration obligations, international labour standards, as well as posing numerous threats to employees.

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LabourStart campaign

Bron: https://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=5149