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Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 10h - 16h

ETUI conference

New beginnings? The European Pillar of Social Rights and the new Commission

The idea behind this conference is to explore the potential, but also the challenges, of outlining an EU social agenda that is mainly based on the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). While the Pillar establishes crucial programmatic principles for the development of the social dimension of the EU, it was first conceived as part of the previous Commission’s strategy to deepen and strengthen economic and monetary integration. The rationale of the Pillar is therefore twofold: to establish social and labour standards, but also to support a growth-enhancing agenda.

The aim of the conference is to provide a multidimensional analysis of the Social Pillar. The first session will address the role of Pillar within the system of EU economic governance and invite us to reflect on the implications thereof. The second session will take the format of a political debate, in which the opportunities and weakness of the Pillar will be outlined and discussed. The third session will be dedicated to the labour and social policy initiatives that have been adopted and will be developed via the implementation of the Pillar.

Confirmed speakers include Maurizio Ferrera (Università la Statale di Milano), Sacha Garben (College of Europe), Frank Vandenbroucke (University of Amsterdam), Liina Carr (ETUC), Rebekah Smith (BusinessEurope), Barbara Kauffmann (European Commission) and Frank Hendrickx (KU Leuven).

You can download the full programme here.

Venue: ITUH, Bd du Roi Albert II, 5; 1210 Brussels, ETUI meeting room, 7th floor

To register, please click here