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Delen van artikels

The UGent Human Rights Research Network (HRRN), Broederlijk Delen and Voo?uit cordially invite you to the debate ‘Is the conversation on Palestine changing? Another Perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian question’ and screening of the film ‘The Present’ by Farah Nabulsi.

The recent escalation of violence in Palestine and Israel contained all the elements of previous rounds of violence. It reaffirmed the power imbalance between an occupying power and an occupied population and the international lack of commitment to ensure respect for international law. Yet, there was a fundamental difference with previous conflicts: the presence of Palestinian voices and growing international solidarity with the Palestinian question. This change is a direct result of the efforts of Palestinian activists who insist and increasingly succeed in presenting their reality, even in mainstream media that often glosses over Palestinian voices.

In this event we centralize Palestinian perspectives devoted to the changing the conversation on Palestine. Through narratives and images relayed via social media and artistic expressions, Palestinians challenge the dominant perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian question as a conflict between two parties that both violate international law, eclipsing Israel’s occupation and Apartheid.

For the program and more info - click here -