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28 29 October 2021 2 dbf26900cad3b4c50a536a94bba93a40Labour rights & the digital transition
28-29 October 2021, ITUH, Brussels

ETUI hybrid conference, organised in cooperation with the European Lawyers for Workers (ELW) Network

The impact of digitalisation on society and the world of work is growing and will only become more pervasive. But the transformation is a multifaceted one. We are simultaneously witnessing the emergence of new business models, such as platform and gig work, and the expansion of digital marketplaces and service providers with extraordinary market power (such as Amazon). Both evolutions entail profound changes to certain industries and to labour relations. At the same time, the introduction of AI in the workplace presents new issues with regards to surveillance and health and safety. To top it all, digitalisation has allowed employers to claim that workers now enjoy greater autonomy and are thus less in need of strong employment protection.

In the context of these transformational changes, how can we ensure that the digital transition does not occur at the expense of workers’ rights and conditions?

This conference proposes a multidimensional discussion on the role of labour law in this area and seeks to identify initiatives that have been taken, or could be taken.

Download here the draft programme.

The event will be organised in a hybrid format under the current Covid safety measures, which means that there will also be a limited number of seats for participants in the room. Please register here to receive further information on how to join the event.
Interpretation will be available in English, French, Italian and German.
Twitter hashtags for this event: #DigitalTransition #LabourLaw