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On the way to net-zero mobility – what does this mean for European automobile jobs?

Hybrid conference on 21 April 2022, 9h30-16h, Brussels

Road transport is responsible for 19% of the GHG emissions of the EU, and, unlike in other sectors, its emissions have not decreased since 1990. The automotive industry represents one of Europe’s key competences and provides jobs to 14 million Europeans. A mobility revolution is inevitable and it is speeding up. The future of this key industry is at stake. The employment and social effects will be significant, and millions of jobs will be genuinely transformed, albeit with very different regional patterns. The automotive industry will be revolutionised, first due to electrification and then as a result of more diversified mobility services.

This hybrid conference will present the main results of the ECF-ETUI project "Future of the European automobile industry – is zero carbon with zero job loss possible?" which has explored the main characteristics of fast-track electrification and analysed its employment and social impacts at both European and regional levels.

Please click here to see the updated agenda.

To register, please click here. Participation is possible both in the conference venue (DoubleTree by Hilton Brussels City) and online. You will receive more information upon registration. Please note that for organisational reasons the deadline to register for participation on-site is 19 April mid-day.

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The ETUI is financially supported by the European Union. ETUI, aisbl 2022