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Invitation - How does anticipation guide decision-making in the EU? - 19 & 20 May Leuven

Multi-disciplinary conference on the institutionalisation of Foresight in the European Union

EU institutions and agencies have increasingly developed a ‘Foresight’ capacity, complementing or overlapping with other methods and processes put in place to assess the likelihood of future developments and best options for EU action. This two-days conference, co-organised by KU Leuven’s Institute for European Law and by the European Trade Union Institute, takes a governance perspective on the development of Foresight in the EU institutional framework. It situates it in the context of the other institutional processes and means of anticipation available at EU level to prepare for crises, to conduct law- and policy-making – and to shape the future of the Union.

This conference kicks off a series of events on the topic, looking in detail at several policy areas including health, external action, climate action, defence, trade, and the world of work, organised in partnership with College of Europe (Bruges), the Europeaum (coordinated by Oxford University), and the Centre for Global Governance Studies (KU Leuven).

Please find the programme attached.

To register click here (for in-person participation until 10 May, for online participation until 18 May).