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 Welk nieuw Pact voor België? - Quel nouveau Pacte pour la Belgique? - Welcher neue Pakt fur Belgien? May 18, 2022 08:00 PM in 

This is the 3rd webinar organized by B Plus during which speakers with different backgrounds are requested to give their insights on the future and the future structure of the Belgian state.

The speakers and their subjects will be as follows:

- Luc CORTEBEECK (honorary president ACV-CSC) - the future of Belgium from union perspective
- Emmanuel VAN INNIS (honorary president BECI & Brussels Metropolitan) - the future of Belgium from entrepreneurial perspective
- prof. Dave SINARDET (professor VUB - Univ. Saint-Louis BXL) - cooperative federalism
- Dr. Tom ZWAENEPOEL (MD - reumatologist OLV Aalst) - confederalism and social security

Each speaker will be given 15 to 20 minutes to elaborate on their subject. Then, their will be plenty opportunities for questions and a debate.

May 18, 2022 08:00 PM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

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Luc Cortebeeck
syndicalist @former president ACV-CSC and VDAB
Luc CORTEBEECK is former president of the Belgian christian union ACV-CSC, the biggest union in Belgium. He was also president of the ILO (International Labour Organization) and, most recently and until April 2022, he was president of the VDAB (Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling - Flemish Employment Service). From his extensive experience in these positions, he will share his views on the future and the future structure of the Belgian state.
prof. Dave Sinardet
Full professor VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles @VUB - Univ. Saint-Louis Bruxelles
Dave Sinardet is a Belgian political scientist. His expertise lies in federalism, nationalism and Belgian politics as a whole. He is active as a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and at the Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles. In addition to his scientific publications, he writes as a columnist and he regularly comments on political events on Belgian television. Dave Sinardet will share his views on cooperative federalism.
Dr. Tom Zwaenepoel
Reumatologist - member executive committee B Plus @B Plus
Dr. Tom Zwaenepoel is reumatologist at the OLV Hospital in Aalst. He is member of the executive committee of B Plus since 2019. Tom Zwaenepoel regularly publishes his views on the division of competences between the federal state and the federated entities in the field of healthcare. He will share with us his views on confederalism and social security.
Emmanuel van Innis
Honorary President BECI & Brussel Metropolitan @B Plus
Emmanuel van Innis is member of the board of many different companies. He is honorary president of BECI (Brussels Enterprises Commerce & Industry) as well as founding member and former president of Brussel Metropolitan, a collaboration between employer federations on different levels (VBO-FEB, UWE, BECI and VOKA). He is member of the executive committee of B Plus since early 2020 and will share with us his views on the future of Belgium from his extensive experience as entrepreneur.