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The Belgian Undocumented People's Spokes-person Team


host by Europe Economie & Social Commitee
( PRESS RELEASE ) 6th & 7th march 2018


On 10 december 2017, the frst electons among the Undoucumented People (person's without papers) took place in belgium. For the frst tme in European history, at a natonal level, Undocumented People elected the spokes-person who will represent them at the European Migraton Forum taking place this March 7, 2018 in Brussels.

Since the electon, the elected spokes-person and his the team have met Undocumented People all around Belgium to gather their view on the important impact they confront in their daily life. In order to prepare their frst partcipaton in the Forum, the spokes-person and his team contacted many insttutons : Non-Proft Organisaton, Associaton, Human Right Ofce, Cultural or Social Centers, immigrants and refugees Host Centers actve in Brussels.

Today, the team will delever the results of this wide consultaton process to the european migraton forum. These results are conserning a wide range of subject as various as the basic concern over judicial administraton, to serious health problems, housing, freedom to be visible in society, the fundemental rights, the freedom of movement.

The spokes-person team considers this job as a privilege and as such will carry these words with strength, determinaton and a profond respect.

For far too long now, the European insttutons did not hear the voice of the Undocumented People. Today will be a tremendous opportunity for the European insttutons to address this situaton and by doing so giving back to those people their pride as human being.


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