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With the International Criminal Court investigating the actions of all parties to the war in Afghanistan and potentially investigating Israel's actions in Palestine, in June 2020 U.S. President Donald Trump issued an executive order authorizing the punishment of any individuals involved in or in any way assisting such court proceedings. The U.S. State Department has restricted visas for ICC officials and in September 2020 sanctioned two court officials, including the Chief Prosecutor, freezing their U.S. assets and blocking them from financial transactions with U.S. persons, banks, and companies.

Trump's action has been condemned by over 70 national governments, including the United States' closest allies, and by Human Rights Watch, and by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers.

Bron and info: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/ask-biden-to-end-trumps-coercive-measures-against-the-international-criminal-court/?link_id=1&can_id=6f798449183e3e4e9586abab6d7a8030&source=email-its-remembrance-armistice-day&email_referrer=email_990262&email_subject=ask-biden-to-end-trumps-coercive-measures-against-the-international-criminal-court