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Tomorrow (4 February) the WTO TRIPS Council is set to discuss patent protections in place for COVID-19 related vaccines and medical supplies.

Relaxing rules now could give a much-needed boost to public health efforts to eradicate the virus.

A ‘waiver’ on intellectual property rules will make it easier and cheaper to produce vital vaccines, protective personal equipment (PPE) and medical supplies that are needed urgently across the globe.

Penny Clarke, EPSU Deputy General Secretary says “The EU and other key countries are, however, blocking a waiver, fearing that ‘their’ industrial champions might lose a competitive edge. Such short-sighted - and self-defeating - behaviour puts everyone at risk”. She adds “Only the virus profits from the secrecy, squabbles and failures about vaccine production and distribution”.

Securing a ‘waiver’ may not be enough on its own to defeat the virus. But it would be an important signal that governments are fully committed to working together and to giving the COVID-19 response the highest priority.

The possibility to waive the WTO TRIPS restrictions is built into the TRIPS agreement itself, so why not use it. If not now during the pandemic, then when?

The public interest should come above patent protections. Health and care workers at the frontline of the pandemic demand no less.

Also see PSI website: https://psishort.link/TRIPS for the PSI background briefing available in EN FR DE ES PT and RU and materials.

See the EPSU letter to the Trade Commissioner

For more information: Pablo Sanchez Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. 0032 (0) 474626633

Link EN https://www.epsu.org/article/trade-rules-must-not-impede-access-covid-19-vaccines-and-medical-supplies

Link FR https://www.epsu.org/fr/article/les-regles-commerciales-ne-doivent-pas-entraver-l-acces-aux-vaccins