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The L20, made up of trade unions in the G20 countries, have welcomed the declaration adopted by the G20 labour and employment ministers on the foundations for recovery from the health, economic and employment impacts of COVID-19.

The declaration calls for “a human-centred policy approach that leads to greater social justice and decent work for all”.

The declaration closely reflects the priorities of the L20, with the exception of investment in job creation. The L20 urges the G20 leaders to prioritise full employment and just transition measures for tackling both the climate and the jobs crisis. Comprehensive plans are required, along with ensuring that both income support and other social protection measures are deepened.

Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said: “Social protection for all, gender equality and inclusion, and the need for regulatory frameworks for remote and platform workers take a much-needed central role for post-pandemic recovery plans. Details on how these commitments will be implemented in national job plans and where investment for recovery will be directed need to be set out between now and when the G20 leaders meet in October. It is vital to see rapid implementation of these commitments to ensure that the recovery builds resilience against future shocks.”

Pierre Habbard, General Secretary of TUAC, said: “Social dialogue and collective bargaining are fundamental to ensuring a human-centred organisation of work. We remind the labour ministers of the importance of coordination with the finance ministers when they meet in July when creating the needed fiscal space for national governments in their tax reforms in support of a minimum rate of corporate taxation, effective taxation of the digital economy and wealth taxes, which are all needed to support inclusive growth and shared prosperity.”

Key elements of the declaration include:

  • more, better and equally paid jobs for women – measured against bringing 100 million women into the labour market by 2025;
  • support for ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment at work;
  • social protection for all which is adequate, inclusive, effective and sustainable through the G20 Policy Principles;
  • enhanced international cooperation on social protection as a part of employment recovery plans and solutions, including dialogue with social partners, a “human-centred” future of work, and regulatory frameworks for remote working and digital platforms being developed with social partners, including support for the ILO Centenary Declaration;
  • support for young people through jobs and quality apprenticeships;
    a “fair and sustainable” transition for workers whose jobs will be affected by both climate and digital transformation and calls for a commitment to life-long learning; and
  • support for follow-up work at the ILO on occupational health and safety as a fundamental principle and right at work.

“We welcome the willingness of the G20 labour and employment ministers to address some of the major deficits in the world of work and look forward to seeing G20 leaders build on this foundation and take action on the commitments put forth in this declaration to ensure that the stated goal of a human-centred, inclusive and sustainable recovery is achieved,” said Sharan Burrow.

Source: https://www.ituc-csi.org/G20-Labour-and-Employment-Ministers-declaration?lang=en#msdynttrid=-UKsgL9VuMlrZ_pbhpD6HO6BORy6_wx4jLo1zP1PhFw