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COP26 is just over 100 days away - and as we approach the big event we wanted to give you an update of our organising efforts!

Open Letter to Kick Polluters Out of COP26: Alok Sharma responds (badly). We respond back.

COP26 President Alok Sharma received our open letter to kick polluters out of COP26, signed by over 240 groups. Following some meme-based action, we received a written response. The response, however, is a disastrous mix of industry lines and evasive waffling.

Accordingly, we have debunked Alok Sharma’s lame response with some videos of our own. At the time of writing, videos 1-4 have been released with videos 5 & 6 due to come shortly.

Read Alok Sharma’s rubbish defence of big polluters and our videos in response

You can also share the response videos on social media. See here for:
Video 1 on not letting polluters into the talks
Video 2 on sponsorship
Video 3 on rejecting false solutions
Video 4 on a conflict of interest policy (featuring extra waffling!)

Needless to say, the fight to kick big polluters out of COP26 goes on. Keep your eyes peeled for videos 5 & 6 over the next few days too.


In a shocking development, the UK Government looks set to approve a giant oil field off the coast of Shetland. This project, led by recent court case losers Shell and private equity firm Siccar Point, looks set to extract 170 million barrels of oil over the next few years. The UK Government, meanwhile, seems happy to support big polluters’ planet-wrecking agenda - all the more wild when we remember that they are presiding over COP26 in a few months time.

There are things you can do though! You can join an online action this Friday as the Stop Cambo Campaign, supported by a coalition of climate justice groups, works to prevent this climate crime from going ahead.

Sign up for the online action to #StopCambo

Share a post about the action on Twitter

You can also find coverage of an occupation and rally from last Monday by following this link.

Net Zero is nothing but an industry sponsored farce

Big companies and governments are falling over each other to declare themselves ‘net zero’ including the likes of BP, Shell, Drax, Barclays, Nestlé, Arla and so on...

If that is not enough to arouse your suspicion, then read our piece in the Morning Star where we call out the industry-sponsored farce that is ‘net zero’. And if you want a deeper dive on Net Zero hype, then we highly recommend reading The Big Con by our friends at Corporate Accountability.

Join us and organise to Kick Polluters Out

It’s simple: the change that is so desperately needed is not going to be handed down from above, as the content above no doubt makes clear. Instead it is through organising, community and solidarity that we can build the power that we need.

We have just over 100 days until COP26 and we are always happy to welcome new people motivated to take on the perpetrators of the climate crisis. If that sounds like you then please get in touch. You can email us at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or contact us on Twitter or Facebook.

That is all from us for now. But we have plenty of plans in the pipeline so watch this space!

Source: https://mailchi.mp/55d3a933dec7/alok-sharma-responded-to-our-open-letter-and-it-wasnt-very-good?e=0aa2334bb2