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A Better Bangladesh

In November 2021, the Government of Bangladesh was called in front of the International Labour Organisation to report on the terrible working conditions in the country.

Why? Because 35,000 Bangladeshis die at work every year and 8 million are injured. Sexual violence is rife, millions of workplaces are barely monitored by government labour inspectors, and people are trapped in jobs with poverty wages.

What can you do? Click below to watch our video exposing the government’s lack of action then use the sign-up form to join the campaign and support workers who want a #ABetterBangladesh.



We can’t let what you just saw continue. Working in Bangladesh continues to be a death sentence for many.

On November 5th — one day before the Government of Bangladesh reported to the ILO — 5 more Bangladeshi workers died in a shoe factory fire.

Sign up to the campaign and together — in solidarity with millions of workers — we can help build #ABetterBangladesh.



Source: you might have missed our recent Bangladesh video