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 Ukrainian and Moldovan unions join the ETUC


The ETUC is proud to welcome into its family the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU), the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) and the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM).

“The future of Ukraine and Moldova is in the European Union” said Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary, “and the trade unions of Ukraine and Moldova need the support and solidarity of the ETUC to defend the rights of workers in these difficult and dangerous times, and to assist in ensuring that the interests of working people are represented she accession process.

“EU accession means that Ukraine and Moldova will not only eventually join the EU single market but also have to implement EU law including social and workers rights. Recent measures by the Ukrainian Government to attack collective bargaining and collective agreements are unacceptable and will have to be reversed.”

“Trade unions are founded on solidarity, and the people of Ukraine need our solidarity more than ever. ETUC will continue to call for an end to the war in Ukraine, and for continued sanctions against Russia and its few allies.”

ETUC has been supporting unions in Ukraine and Moldova who are sheltering thousands of displaced persons and refugees, and condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and calling for all Russian forces to leave Ukraine since shortly after Russia launched its invasion.

ETUC also supports the accession of Georgia to the EU and hopes to welcome Georgian trade union GTUC in to the ETUC in the near future.

The ETUC is the voice of workers and represents 45 million members from 89 trade union organisations in 39 European countries, plus 10 European Trade Union Federations.
The ETUC is also on FacebookTwitterYouTube and Flickr.

Copyright © 2022 European Trade Union Confederation / Confédération européenne des syndicats, All rights reserved.

More information:

Press and Communications
Luke James
Phone: 0032 (0) 471701482 
Julian Scola
Phone: 0032 (0) 486117394 

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