I am often contacted by organizations, journalists, debaters, enthusiasts, researchers, writers etc. from around the world who ask, if they can use pictures of my sculptures to illustrate their written words or as a symbol on a debate, they want to raise.
We have a unique opportunity to drastically slow down deforestation. The European Commission wants to hear from you! The EU consultation on imported deforestation is open until December 10, 2020. The clock is ticking!
The coronavirus pandemic is a shock to the daily lives of most people in Europe. A health crisis morphed into a job crisis and then the deepest recession since the 1930s.
At the beginning of the pandemic, local media in São Paulo reported front line workers’ voices that were exposing irregularities and violations of basic health and safety standards that led to widespread contamination of hospital workers including health professionals
On 24 October 2020, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons reached the 50 ratifications needed for its entry into force. Only a few weeks earlier, ICAN campaigner Linnet Ng'ayu addressed the UN’s First Committee, highlighting how close we were to reaching that milestone, and how important that moment would be.
La société portugaise CeiiA a décidé de ne pas renouveler la location de deux drones de la firme israélienne d’armement Elbit, destinés aux patrouilles frontalières et à d’autres missions effectuées pour l’Agence Européenne de Sécurité Maritime (EMSA en anglais, AESM en français).
Vous trouverez ci-jointe l’édition 2020 du baromètre socio-économique de la FGTB. Il met les conséquences de la crise du covid-19 en exergue.
Naar jaarlijkse gewoonte publiceert het ABVV in het najaar haar sociaal-economische barometer. De editie 2020 staat volledig in het teken van de crisis die Covid-19 met zich meebracht.
The ITUC, as part of the L20 group that represents working people at the G20 level, is calling for critical action at this weekend’s G20 summit in Saudi Arabia
Les militant(e)s et le personnel du CHU Brugmann mèneront une action syndicale ce jeudi 19 novembre 2020, de 12h à 13h, devant l’entrée principale de l’institution hospitalière