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Today the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in the case brought by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) against the refusal of the European Commission to put forward their Social Partner Agreement for adoption as a European Directive

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The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is deeply concerned about the military operations, launched by President Erdogan, against Kurdish militants in Northern Syria, with the pretext of the creation of a “safe-zone”.

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La Confédération européenne des syndicats (CES) estime qu’aucun Brexit ne peut être bon pour les travailleurs. Cependant, compte tenu de la situation actuelle, nous saluons les efforts de l’Union européenne pour prévenir un « no deal », garantir l’accord du Vendredi Saint et éviter une frontière physique en Irlande.

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The European Trade Union Confederation represents 45 million workers from 90 national trade unions in 38 European countries and 10 European sectoral trade union federations.

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“The Double Standard at Work: European Corporate Investment and Workers’ Rights in the American South” cites key case studies to reveal practices in the U.S. South

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La publication obligatoire des salaires par genre, assortie d’amendes en cas de défaut de déclaration, doit faire partie des « mesures contraignantes en matière de transparence des rémunérations » promises par Ursula von der Leyen si l’on veut qu’elles aient un impact tangible.

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La Commission européenne bloque l’interdiction belge des pesticides néonicotinoïdes tueurs d’abeilles ! Les lobbies des pesticides s’en frottent les mains.

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De FRDO is voorstander van een continentaal spoorwegbeleid. Zo worden geïntegreerde diensten internationaal mogelijk en bevorderen we de interoperabiliteit tussen netwerken.

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Please take a moment to sign our latest petition demanding progressive U.S. presidential candidates speak out for Heba Al-Labadi, a 24-year-old Palestinian with Jordanian citizenship now hospitalized on her 35th day of an open hunger strike against her “administrative detention,” imprisonment by Israel without charge or trial.

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AnyVision’s technology is designed by ex-Israeli defense staff and deployed by the Israeli military to surveil Palestinians and destroy any semblance of their privacy.They are turning the West Bank into a constantly-monitored technological prison – and Microsoft is helping them do it.

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