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In de Brusselse ziekenhuizen stopt sinds weken de actie niet! Bij de ingang van de Brugmannkliniek om 12.00u. op dinsdag 5 november stonden ze al vol geestdrift en strijdvaardigheid.

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The procedure is just as horrific as it sounds — it is truly genital mutilation. Little girls' clitorises are surgically removed, sometimes without proper anesthetic or aftercare. Side-effects include infection, severe bleeding, infertility, and — in the most terrible circumstances — even death.

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Het Belgische politieke toneel biedt intussen geen antwoord op de vragen van burgers en middenveld. Of op die van de Europese overheid.
Die wil van België een ambitieuzer Nationaal Energie- en Klimaatplan voor het einde van 2019, om mee de Europese klimaatdoelen te halen.

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Sinds eind 2016 is het in Vlaanderen mogelijk om vrije ruimtes in je eigen woning te gebruiken om erkende vluchtelingen te huisvesten die wegens hun toekenning van internationale bescherming de asielopvang dienen te verlaten.

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La Fédération belge du secteur financier vient de publier les premiers lauréats de son label certifiant la durabilité des produits financiers. Pour Financité, ce label ne représente pas une avancée suffisante pour les particulier·ère·s

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What is the common cause of escalating inequalities, the concentration of capital ownership and climate damage – the three major problems we are facing today? According to Ewan McGaughey, Senior Lecturer at King's College London, it is the fact that votes in the economy (on company management and investment, etc.) are controlled by banks and asset managers.

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In the ten years since the final report of the (Stiglitz) Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress, we have witnessed the publication of hundreds of reports and indicators on the subject.

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In late August, the coordinator of the Belgian environmental association Arbeid & Milieu contacted the ETUI, to ask whether we could co-organise a lecture by the renown Canadian climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. Nobody could imagine that it would attract an audience of more than 200 people.

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Des fleurs généreusement offertes et un foulard enlevé : deux gestes simples que Yasaman Aryani a osé faire en public dans un train en Iran. C’était lors de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes de 2019.

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The ITUC has condemned a new wave of police repression of Philippine trade unionists. The offensive was launched when police simultaneously raided three premises of human rights and trade union organisations, arresting and detaining 57 people members of labour and civil society organisations. Repression operations are ongoing.

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