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Ook zij-kant ontsnapt niet aan de besparingen van de nieuwe Vlaamse regering. Vanaf 2020 moeten wij, zoals de hele sector van het sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk, 6% inleveren. Wat er nadien zal gebeuren is koffiedik kijken.

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Le 25 novembre dernier, en marge de l’Internet Governance Forum (IGF), à Berlin, un réseau d’activistes et d’intellectuels a publié un « manifeste pour la justice numérique » intitulé « Appel à prendre en main notre avenir numérique »

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Several countries in Latin America are currently experiencing very powerful class conflicts and extremely violent repression on the part of reactionary forces and the state.

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De “oorlog tegen de terreur” die begon in Afghanistan is een grote leugen. The Washington Post kon de hand leggen op meer dan 2000 pagina’s documenten die het daglicht niet mochten zien.

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Op 3 en 4 december komen de regeringsleiders van de NAVO-lidstaten samen voor een nieuwe top in Londen. Het moet een spektakel van eenheid worden. Dat is tenminste waar veel regeringsleiders en NAVO-functionarissen op hopen.

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Financité oeuvre depuis plusieurs années pour le développement de la finance solidaire. L'année écoulée a permis la création de plusieurs outils qui soutiennent concrètement l'économie sociale.

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Now the hope for survival lies with government ambition through the enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to cut carbon emissions. The NDC plans need to be on the table by the end of 2020 for the COP26 in Glasgow. Just Transition measures must be at the centre of these plans.

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Commenting on the European Commission’s ‘Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy’ published today, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) called for higher EU and national public investment to meet the needs it identifies for social rights, climate action and to tackle precariousness.

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Our investigation reveals: Ferrero-Rocher, Kinder Bueno and Nutella contain hazelnuts that may have been picked by children. It’s time to tell the billionaire Giovanni Ferrero that this needs to end now.

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The United States has the resources to make sure every child in the country has what they need to survive. So why are millions of children still living in poverty?

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