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De wereldwijde campagne voor een verbod op killer robots krijgt de steun van grote technologiebedrijven en duizenden wetenschappers in de artificiële intelligentie en robotica.

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Een nieuwjaarsbrief is een Vlaamse traditie die zijn oorsprong kent in de 16de eeuw toen de Franse koning Karel IX in 1563 besliste dat 1 januari voortaan nieuwjaarsdag zou zijn.

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Some days, it feels like everything is getting worse. Nuclear armed states are modernizing their arsenals, threatening to use nuclear weapons, withdrawing from key agreements.

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On 20 August this year Rio Wijaya, a trade unionist from the Indonesian dockers' union, was brutally attacked by security guards at Hutchison Port's terminal in Jakarta. Later, he was arrested and detained under false allegations of defaming and assaulting the security guards.

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Le texte qui suit est l’expression d’une colère. Colère ressentie à la lecture d’une interview de Monsieur Lorenzo Stefani, porte-parole de Touring1, dont les propos semblent refléter davantage le souci de défendre l’industrie automobile que de protéger les intérêts de celles et ceux qui font usage des produits que vend cette industrie.

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What if discussions about political and societal issues are so turbulent that a class erupts into turmoil and chaos? How can teachers react when a student suddenly launches into an unexpected provocative or hatefilled diatribe in class?

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Op 3 december 2019 publiceerde het Vlaams Vredesinstituut twee nieuwe policy papers die beide bepaalde aspecten van de Europese praktijk inzake wapenexportcontrole analyseren.

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The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) supports French trade unions in their protests on 17 December.

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With the EU strategic framework for health and safety at work expiring in 2020, the first discussions on a new strategy will take place today at the European Employment, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Affairs Counc.

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Climate change is creating and exacerbating risks to workers, the ETUC warned delegates at the United Nation’s climate change conference (COP) today.

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