En partenariat avec Metro, Sudpresse et Le Vif, NousCitoyens publie le 4/10/2018 un système d'aide au vote, appelé le GPS électoral. Grâce à cet outil internet, l'électeur découvre les candidats de sa commune avec lesquels il a le plus d'affinité politique.
C'est dans un contexte de criminalisation des mouvements sociaux en Belgique qu'a lieu le procès d'Hugo Périlleux Sanchez, accusé d'avoir détourné des écrans publicitaires pendant la campagne TTIP Game (...)
In het hele land werd dit weekend actie gevoerd voor gezonde lucht. Zo was er onder meer de fietstocht langs de A12 van de actiegroep Filter Café Filtré - ouders en kinderen die al sinds maart wekelijks actie voeren aan de schoolpoort
Ce week-end, des actions ont été menées à travers tout le pays pour réclamer un air sain. Une semaine jour pour jour avant les élections, le message est très clair. Les citoyens veulent des rues où il fait bon vivre et une meilleure qualité de l'air. Filter-Café-Filtré...
Communiqué de la plateforme Belfius est à Nous. Motivé par la mauvaise santé des marchés et par le non-règlement de la question Arco, le report sine die de la mise en bourse de Belfius doit nous permettre de réaliser à quel point la banque est profondément inscrite dans le tissu socio-économique belge.
Het nieuwe rapport van het IPCC, het klimaatpanel van de VN, toont aan dat we al het mogelijke moeten doen om de klimaatopwarming te beperken tot 1,5°C. In het licht van deze urgentie moeten eerste minister Charles Michel en minister-presidenten Bourgeois, Vervoort en Borsus onze klimaatdoelstellingen stevig verhogen en onze samenleving op weg naar een duurzame transitie zetten.
Note from Lori Wallach, director, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch - Here is our initial 14-page analysis of the NAFTA 2.0 text, following up on the statement from Sunday night. We have reviewed how the text measures up to the changes to NAFTA that Public Citizen and many other progressive organizations have long demanded.
Note from Lori Wallach, director, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch - Here is our initial 14-page analysis of the NAFTA 2.0 text, following up on the statement from Sunday night. We have reviewed how the text measures up to the changes to NAFTA that Public Citizen and many other progressive organizations have long demanded. After some exhaustive digging, which has been exhausting giving the 900 pages of text and annexes, we have boiled down whole chapters into bulleted highlights and lowlights and assessed whether demands are met or there are mixed outcomes or it's too soon to know or there's been a fail.
Overall,the NAFTA 2.0 text reveals a work in progress with some improvements for which we have long advocated, some new terms that we oppose and more work required to stop NAFTA's ongoing job outsourcing, downward pressure on wages and environmental damage.
The new text isn't a transformational replacement of the entire corporate-rigged U.S. trade agreement model that NAFTA launched in the 1990s. But at the same time, in key respects, this deal is quite different from all past U.S. free trade agreements. The revised deal could reduce NAFTA's ongoing job outsourcing, downward pressure on our wages and environmental damage if more is done to ensure the new labor standards are subject to swift and certain enforcement, and some other key improvements are made. There's a way's to go between this text and congressional consideration of a final NAFTA renegotiation package in 2019.
Important progress has been made with the removal of corporate investor protections that make it cheaper and less risky to outsource jobs and a major reining-in of NAFTA's outrageous Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) tribunals under which corporations have grabbed hundreds of millions from taxpayers after attacks on environmental and health policies.
Termination of ISDS between the U.S. and Canada would eliminate 92 percent of U.S. ISDS liability under NAFTA and the lion's share of total U.S. ISDS exposure overall. This, combined with the major roll back of corporate rights and ISDS coverage between the U.S. and Mexico would prevent many new ISDS attacks on domestic environmental and health policies after more than $390 million has been paid to corporation by taxpayers to date. That even this corporate-compliant administration whacked ISDS means future presidents cannot backslide and also sends a powerful signal to the many nations worldwide also seeking to escape the ISDS regime.
A lot more work remains to be done: Unless strong labor standards and environmental standards are made subject to swift and certain enforcement, U.S. firms will continue to outsource jobs to pay Mexican workers poverty wages, dump toxins and bring their products back here for sale.
Despite Donald Trump's "Buy American/Hire American" rhetoric, the new deal maintains NAFTA's waiver of Buy American rules that require the U.S. government to procure U.S.-made goods, so unless that gets fixed more U.S. tax dollars and more U.S. jobs will be outsourced.
The new deal grants pharmaceutical corporations new monopoly rights so they can keep medicine prices high by avoiding generic competition. This could undermine the changes we need to make medicine more affordable here and increase prices in Mexico and Canada, limiting access to lifesaving medicines.
Areas of progress include a first-time-ever innovation of conditioning trade benefits for a percentage of autos and auto parts on the workers producing them being paid $16 per hour or more. Terms that forced countries to continue to export natural resources that they seek to conserve are eliminated. Longstanding safety and environmental problems relating to Mexican-domiciled trucks' access to U.S. roads are addressed. Rules of origin that allowed goods with significant Chinese and others non-North American value were tightened.
Americans have suffered under NAFTA's corporate-rigged rules for decades. Nearly one million U.S. jobs have been government-certified as lost to NAFTA, with NAFTA helping corporations outsource more jobs to Mexico every week. The downward pressure on U.S. workers' wages caused by NAFTA outsourcing has only intensified as Mexican wages declined in real terms since NAFTA, with Mexican manufacturing wages now 40 percent below those in coastal China.
De gevolgen van de wereldwijde klimaatverandering worden steeds zichtbaarder en verwoestender. Elke minieme toename van de gemiddelde temperatuur speelt een rol en het beperken van de gemid- delde mondiale opwarming tot maximaal 1.5°C is van fundamenteel belang. Het overschrijden van deze drempel zal tot een gevaarlijke, instabiele situatie leiden.
Les conséquences de la modification du climat planétaire due aux activités humaines sont de plus en plus répandues et dévastatrices. Chaque centième additionnel de température moyenne a son impor- tance, et le maintien du réchauffement mondial sous 1,5°C est fondamental car un dépassement de ce seuil mènerait à une situation bien plus dangereuse et instable.
Brussel, 4 oktober 2018 – Deze middag keurt de Kamer het wetsvoorstel van de meerderheid over abortus goed. Abortus wordt uit het strafrecht gehaald. Een historische stap. Toch is er veel meer nodig dan een symbolische wetswijziging om tegemoet te komen aan de noden op het terrein.